Thursday, January 31, 2013

Real Housewives of .........

.....well,  in my case, Tallmadge.  So the other day my husband turns on a show called Storage Wars, another reality tv show,  My two older boys and him are glued to the tv and watching the marathon that was on.  I just got to thinking, reality tv, this is now entertainment?  Which, of course, got me thinking of another reality tv show...Housewives of.....Beverly Hills, New York, New Jersey, take your pick.

I have only seen a few bits and pieces of these shows and I can honestly say I can not relate at all.  I am a housewife now, that is the only thing I have in common with these shows.  I do not have a personal assistant, a maid, a nanny, a cook, or a driver.  In fact, I solely have the responsibility of all of these professions.  Not too mention being a wife and a mother to four kids ages 11 years to 11 months.  Most of the "Housewives" that I know, do not have daily lunch meetings, spa appointments, etc.  In fact, generally speaking, are appointments include, drop off or pick up for school, dentist or doctor appointments, grocery store rendezvous, or after school activities. 

I believe the title of "Real Housewives of...." is misleading.  Why not just "Housewives of..." of "Outlandish Housewives of...?"  Real to me means more of the norm or what is realistic.  I wasn't always just a stay at home mom or housewife.  I was part of the regular workforce, both before and after I had children.  I was a working mom for many years and yes, it wasn't always easy.  And truth be told, I always hoped that one day I would be able to stay home with my kids.  I don't know where I got my perception of a housewife exactly, maybe books, movies, tv shows, etc., but let me be the first to tell you....the reality of it was definitely not as easy, nor glorified as the perception I had.  It is funny, I am not the only one that had this perception, many still think of what I do as not a job or how lucky I am not to have to work.  Let me clarify, I do work but my work does not end at 5 pm or after an 8 hour shift.  Weekends are no different...there are no days off or really any breaks.  People, expect more from me because I must have the time, because "I don't work."  I should be able to do things at a moments notice because I am just a housewife.  How did we get to this point as a society?

I wonder why the reality show doesn't cover a more realistic "housewife?"  Would that be too boring or perhaps not entertaining enough?  I can honestly say, I am never bored and I am entertained throughout each and everyday.  I get a shout out every 15 minutes some times, how cool is that!  I also am well versed in matters of science....that would be an educational program.  Today's science experiment, as conducted by Miss P and Lil Cullen, showed the effects of  combining red sprinkles with water in the play kitchen.  Be warned, do not try this at home and only under close supervision with protective gear on. 

Yes, lets get "real!"

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